This is an amazing course that I have put together to change how you view your Inner Child. So many of us sit in victim status because of what would have happened in our childhood. Without realising it by always viewing our inner child as the victim or just as a survivor means that we are not allowing that inner child within to grow and to become the hero of the story. I believe that no matter what has happened to you when you were younger that if you can change how you view what happened this will then empower you to take back control of your life. This course is self paced meaning you can work through this whenever you choose and at your convenience. It's far better to take your time and maybe do a few of the exercises within this course again and again until your happy and feel that yes now when I look back I feel happy. There are meditations and workbooks both printable and ones that you can fill in online to help you and a place where you can record your progress. I'd love to hear how you get on, if you get stuck or are having issues then please reach out to me and I will come back to you as soon as I can. Doing this course truly will change your life the way this has for me. Kel
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